Welcome to ExMaxtor.com!

This site is NOT related to Maxtor or their website www.maxtor.com. You can't learn about a hard drive here or buy one or anything of the sort. Please visit Maxtor's website for all of that and more.

HISTORY: In late December 2005, Seagate Technologies announced their intent to acquire Maxtor. This action passed the relevant regulatory and corporate board approvals on May 19, 2006. All current Maxtor employees became ex-Maxtor employees sometime in 2006. With luck, many joined Seagate. There was a transition site called www.seagatemaxtor.com that has finally been sold to a domain squatter. It is interesting to note that seagatemaxtor.com was registered on 13-Jun-2005, yet the merger was announced over 6 months later. (exmaxtor.com was registered on 24-Dec-2005. I know you were going to ask)

Press announcements of the acquisition:

PURPOSE: This site was formed to enable communications between former employees of Maxtor Corporation. If you're an ex-employee, you're welcome here. If you're not, then please move on.

While we may occasionally link to outside content from this site, our main purpose is to facilitate communication between former employees. Suggested uses:

  • communicating relevant area job opportunities;
  • coordinating reunion events;
  • current ex-Maxtor e-mail address repository; etc.
  • On Sunday 23-July-2006, the Longmont Times-Call wrote a nice sidebar article about this site. Read it here.

    Not to be out-done, the Boulder Daily Camera had a story about layoffs on the front page on Sunday 30-July-2006 which mentions the site. Read it here.

    Simply, the idea is to join a mailing list that relates to your site. You'll figure it out from there.

    List Name Site
    MCA Milpitas, CA
    MCO Longmont, CO
    MMA Shrewsbury, MA
    MMC MaxMedia Corporation
    MSP Singapore
    MTS Suzhou, China

    Non-members cannot send messages to a list. This keeps out spam. E-mail addresses can only be viewed by other members, not by search engine bots or anyone else. The server is owned privately. Here's our privacy policy: we guard your information more carefully than our own, and we're privacy zealots.

    Each list may have hundreds of subscribers. Please use your list professionally. Politics, chain letters, and virus warnings are specifically prohibited.

    1. To change your e-mail address, you need to unsubscribe your old one and resubscribe your new one.
    2. There are at least FOUR ways to unsubscribe. Choose any one:
      1. Go to http://www.ExMaxtor.com/mailman/listinfo/mco and type the e-mail address to be unsubscribed in the last text field at the bottom of the page.
      2. Send an e-mail from the account to be unsubscribed to mco-request@ExMaxtor.com with Subject: unsubscribe
        You don't need to enter any text in the body of the e-mail.
      3. Send an e-mail from the account to be unsubscribed to mco-unsubscribe@ExMaxtor.com
      4. Send a request to me. I'm happy to hear from you and am usually very responsive.
    3. There are 4 equivalent options to subscribe. I trust you can figure them out.

    Comments? Complaints? Donations? Send an e-mail to the webmaster.

    Thanks for visiting!

    This site went live on 04-Jan-2006.
    Last edited on 08-Jul-2023. Now we're current! :-)